Secure coding in C and C++ (ARM)

AI narration
Online VM

Base training


43 Labs


11 Case Studies

Monthly feed

A combination of repeated and new skills & drills for continuous learning


2-3 labs


Case study


ARM architecture


C/C++ developers


General C/C++ development

Standards and references

SEI CERT, CWE and Fortify Taxonomy


  • Cyber security basics
  • Assembly basics and calling conventions
  • Memory management vulnerabilities
  • Memory management hardening
  • Improper use of security features
  • Code quality
  • Input validation
  • Wrap up

What you will learn

  • Getting familiar with essential cyber security concepts
  • Identify vulnerabilities and their consequences
  • Learn the security best practices in C and C++
  • Input validation approaches and principles


The ARM variant of the comprehensive C and C++ e-learning course provides a structured approach to understanding and addressing various aspects of secure coding in C and C++. After a primer on ARM assembly and memory operations, the curriculum addresses critical security issues related to memory management. The effects of various toolchain-level protection techniques you can apply to defend against such vulnerabilities (such as SSP, ASLR and NX) are also explained.

The secure coding modules are aligned to common software security weaknesses in all major categories: input validation, improper use of security features, code quality, error handling, time and state, and denial of service. The course also provides practical skills related to cryptography that every developer should understand (such as hashing, encryption, digital signatures, PKI), showing how to use these in OpenSSL. Finally, we give an overview of security testing tools and how to use them to find vulnerabilities in your code.

Through hands-on labs and real-world case studies, you will explore best practices to get the appropriate skills and master the secure coding mindset.

So that you are prepared for the forces of the dark side.

So that nothing unexpected happens in your code.



Note: This course content is available as an e-learning subscription. We reserve a period of 3 months to digest the foundational material, after which we activate shorter learning units on a monthly basis. This gives secure coding efforts an initial boost, and builds up sustained readiness over time. These learning units are indicated in red in the table of contents below.

Table of contents

  • Assembly basics
    • ARM assembly essentials
    • Registers and addressing
    • Basic ARM64 instructions
  • Calling convention
    • The calling convention
    • The stack frame
    • Calling convention implementation on ARM64
    • Stacked function calls
  • Buffer overflow
    • Memory management and security
    • Vulnerabilities in the real world
    • Buffer security issues
  • Buffer overflow on the stack
    • Buffer overflow on the stack – stack smashing
    • Exploitation – Hijacking the control flow
    • Lab – Buffer overflow 101, code reuse
  • Stack overflow – shellcode
    • Exploitation – Arbitrary code execution
    • Injecting shellcode
    • Lab – Code injection, exploitation with shellcode
  • Buffer overflow on the heap
    • Unsafe unlinking
    • Case study – Heartbleed
  • Advanced heap exploit
    • An example heap exploitation technique: “House of Einherjar”
    • Lab – Heap overflow exploitation
  • Array indexing
    • Range error – improper validation of array index
    • Lab – Array indexing
  • Containers
    • Security issues with containers and unused elements
    • Associative containers
    • Iterators
  • Pointer manipulation
    • Modification of jump tables
    • GOT and PLT
    • Overwriting function pointers
  • Unsafe functions 1
    • Unsafe functions
    • Dealing with unsafe functions
    • Lab – Fixing buffer overflow
  • Unsafe functions 2
    • What’s the problem with asctime()?
    • Lab – The problem with asctime()
  • Unsafe functions in C++
    • Using std::string in C++
  • String termination
    • Unterminated strings
    • readlink() and string termination
    • Manipulating C-style strings in C++
    • Malicious string termination
    • Lab – String termination confusion
  • Some other typical mistakes
    • String length calculation mistakes
    • Off-by-one errors
    • Allocating nothing
  • Compiler options
    • Securing the toolchain in C and C++
    • Compiler warnings and security
  • Fortify
    • Lab – Effects of FORTIFY
  • AddressSanitizer
    • Using AddressSanitizer (ASan)
    • ASan changes to the prologue
    • ASan changes to memory read/write operations
    • ASan changes to the epilogue
    • Lab – Using AddressSanitizer
  • Further toolchain-related protections
    • RELRO protection against GOT hijacking
    • Heap overflow protection
  • Stack smashing protection
    • Detecting BoF with a stack canary
    • Argument cloning
    • Stack smashing protection on various platforms
    • SSP changes to the prologue and epilogue
    • Lab – Effects of stack smashing protection
    • Bypassing stack smashing protection
  • Runtime instrumentation
  • Address Space Layout Randomization
    • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
    • ASLR on various platforms
    • Lab – Effects of ASLR
    • Circumventing ASLR – NOP sleds
    • Circumventing ASLR – memory leakage
    • Heap spraying
  • Non-executable memory areas
    • The NX bit
    • Write XOR Execute (W^X)
    • NX on various platforms
    • Lab – Effects of NX
  • NX circumvention – Code reuse attacks
    • Return-to-libc / arc injection
    • Return Oriented Programming (ROP)
    • Lab – ROP demonstration
    • Whatever Oriented Programming
    • Protection against ROP
    • ARM-specific ROP protection techniques
  • Introduction
    • Security features
  • Authentication
    • Authentication basics
    • Authentication weaknesses
    • User interface best practices
  • Password management
    • Storing account passwords
    • Password in transit
    • Lab – Is just hashing passwords enough?
  • Password storage
  • Password policy
  • Password storage – a case study
    • Case study – The Ashley Madison data breach
    • The dictionary attack
    • The ultimate crack
    • Exploitation and the lessons learned
  • Additional password management challenges
    • Password database migration
    • (Mis)handling NULL passwords
  • Outbound password management
    • Hard coded passwords
    • Best practices
    • Lab – Hardcoded password
    • Case study – Hard-coded Telnet password in TOTOLINK T8
  • Protecting secrets in memory
    • Challenges in protecting memory
    • Heap inspection
    • Compiler optimization challenges
    • Lab – Zeroization challenges
    • Sensitive info in non-locked memory
  • Introduction
    • Code quality and security
  • Data
    • Type mismatch
    • Lab – Type mismatch
    • Declaration and allocation issues in C
    • Declaration and allocation issues in C++
    • Unchecked Return Value
    • Case study – #iamroot hash migration bug
    • Omitted return value
    • Returning unmodifiable pointer
  • Data – initialization
    • Uninitialized variable
    • Constructors and destructors
    • Initialization of static objects
    • Lab – Initialization cycles
  • Data – release
    • Unreleased resource
    • Unreleased resource – Synchronization
    • Unreleased resource – Files
    • Array disposal in C++
    • Lab – Mixing delete and delete[]
  • Control flow
    • Incorrect block delimitation
    • Dead code
    • Leftover debug code
    • Backdoors, dev functions and other undocumented functions
    • Using if-then-else and switch defensively
    • Returning from a [[noreturn]] function
    • Signal handlers
    • Signal handling best practices
  • Language elements 1
    • Language elements
    • Function arguments
    • Undefined and unspecified behavior
    • Using dangerous language elements
    • Using obsolete language elements
  • Language elements 2
    • Portability flaw
    • Preprocessor – Using macros
    • Multiple binds to the same port
  • Object Oriented Programming
    • Are accessibility modifiers a security feature?
    • Inheritance and object slicing
    • Implementing the copy operator
    • The copy operator and mutability
    • Mutability
    • Mutable predicate function objects
    • Lab – Mutable predicate function object
  • Memory and pointers
    • Memory and pointer issues
    • Pointer handling pitfalls
    • Alignment
  • Null pointers
    • NULL dereference
    • NULL dereference in pointer-to-member operators
  • Freeing
    • Use after free
    • Lab – Use after free
    • Lab – Runtime instrumentation
    • Double free
    • Freeing a stack pointer
    • Memory leak
    • Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)
  • Smart pointers
    • Smart pointer best practices
    • Smart pointers and security
    • Incorrect pointer arithmetic
  • Input validation principles 1
    • Input validation principles
    • Denylists and allowlists
    • Data validation techniques
  • Input validation principles 2
    • What to validate – the attack surface
    • Where to validate – defense in depth
    • When to validate – validation vs transformations
  • Input validation principles 3
    • Output sanitization
    • Encoding challenges
    • Unicode challenges
  • Injection
    • Injection principles
    • Injection attacks
    • Code injection
  • Command injection
    • OS command injection
    • Lab – Command injection
  • Command injection best practices
    • OS command injection best practices
    • Avoiding command injection with the right APIs
    • Lab – Command injection best practices
  • Shellshock
    • Case study – Shellshock
    • Lab – Shellshock
  • Integer handling problems
    • Representing signed numbers
    • Integer visualization
    • Integer promotion
    • Integer overflow
    • Lab – Integer overflow
  • Integer handling problems 2
    • Signed / unsigned confusion
    • Case study – The Stockholm Stock Exchange
    • Lab – Signed / unsigned confusion
    • Integer truncation
    • Lab – Integer truncation
    • Case study – WannaCry
  • Integer best practices
    • Upcasting
    • Precondition testing
    • Postcondition testing
    • Using big integer libraries
  • Integer best practices in C/C++
    • Best practices in C
    • Best practices in C++
    • Lab – Integer handling best practices in C++
  • Other numeric problems
    • Division by zero
    • Working with floating-point numbers
  • Path traversal and file validation
    • Path traversal
    • Lab – Path traversal
    • Path traversal-related examples
    • Link and shortcut following
    • Virtual resources
    • Path traversal best practices
    • Lab – Path canonicalization
  • Format strings
    • Format string issues
    • The problem with printf()
    • Lab – Exploiting format string
  • Introduction
    • Time and state
    • Thread management best practices in C/C++
  • Race conditions
    • Race condition in object data members
    • Case study – State confusion in VxWorks IPNet stack
    • Time of check to time of usage – TOCTTOU
    • TOCTTOU attacks in practice
    • Lab – TOCTTOU
    • Insecure temporary file
  • Race conditions in C/C++
    • Potential race conditions in C and C++
    • Race condition in signal handling
    • Forking
    • Bit-field access
    • Using ThreadSanitizer (TSan)
  • Locking and deadlocks
    • Mutual exclusion and locking
    • Deadlocks
    • Mutual exclusion and locking in C
    • Mutual exclusion and locking in C++
  • Synchronization and thread safety
    • Synchronization and thread safety in C/C++
  • Principles
    • Error and exception handling principles
    • Information exposure through error reporting
    • Returning a misleading status code
    • Error handling in C
    • Error handling in C++
    • Using std::optional safely
  • Exception handling
    • In the catch block. And now what?
    • Empty catch block
    • Exception handling in C++
    • Lab – Exception handling mess
  • Flooding
  • Resource exhaustion
  • Sustained client engagement
    • Infinite loop
    • Denial of service problems in C/C++
    • Case study – DoS against Tesla GUI via malicious web page
    • Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS)
  • Amplification
    • Some amplification examples
  • Algorithmic complexity issues
    • Regular expression denial of service (ReDoS)
    • Lab – ReDoS
    • Dealing with ReDoS
    • Hash table collision
    • How do hash tables work?
    • Hash collision against hash tables
  • Cryptography for developers
    • Cryptography basics
    • OpenSSL in brief
  • PRNG
    • Random number generation
    • Pseudo random number generators (PRNGs)
    • Cryptographically secure PRNGs
    • Using virtual random streams
    • Case study – Equifax credit account freeze
  • PRNG in C/C++
    • Weak and strong PRNGs
    • Using random numbers in OpenSSL
    • Lab – Using random numbers in OpenSSL
  • Hashing
    • Hashing basics
    • Case study – Shattered
    • Common hashing mistakes
    • Hashing in OpenSSL
    • Lab – Hashing in OpenSSL
    • Hash algorithms for password storage
    • Password storage algorithms and considerations
    • Best practices when using password hashing algorithms
  • Encryption
    • Confidentiality protection
    • Symmetric encryption
    • Block ciphers
    • Modes of operation
    • Modes of operation and IV – best practices
  • Encryption in C/C++
    • Symmetric encryption in OpenSSL
    • Lab – Symmetric encryption in OpenSSL
  • Asymmetric encryption
    • The RSA algorithm
    • Using RSA – best practices
    • RSA in OpenSSL
    • Combining symmetric and asymmetric algorithms
  • Integrity protection and MAC
    • Integrity protection
    • Message Authentication Code (MAC)
    • Calculating MAC in OpenSSL
    • Lab – Calculating MAC in OpenSSL
  • Digital signatures
    • Digital signature
    • Digital signature with RSA
    • ECC basics
    • Digital signature with ECC
    • Lab – Digital signature with ECDSA in OpenSSL
  • Static application security testing (SAST)
    • Security aspects of code review
    • The OWASP Code Review methodology
    • Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
    • Lab – Using static analysis tools
  • Dynamic application security testing (DAST)
    • Security testing at runtime
    • Penetration testing
    • Memory inspection and analysis
    • Lab – Dumping process memory
    • Stress testing
  • Dynamic analysis techniques and tools
    • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
    • IAST and DevSecOps
    • Fuzzing
    • Fuzzing techniques
    • Fuzzing – Observing the process
    • American Fuzzy Lop (AFL)
    • Lab – Fuzzing
  • Software security principles
    • Principles of robust programming by Matt Bishop
  • Sources and further readings
    • Software security sources and further reading
    • C and C++ resources


1 year subscription license

599 EUR / person

  • E-learning subscription for sustained readiness
  • Discussion and insight into the hacker’s mindset
  • Hands-on practice, lab exercises using live drills
  • Case studies based on high-profile hacks
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  • Include your contact information
  • One of our colleagues will be in touch to schedule a free consultation about training requirements


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